Saturday, November 1, 2008

Free dating help: Are you in love?

How will you ever know if the love you're feeling right now is truly LOVE. Surely, you don't want to mislead yourself by saying you're in love when in fact it's not. You have to identify the difference between love and infatuation.

How do you know when you're really in love?  Here's some free dating help:

1. If you find yourself thinking what's best for your partner, then more or less, you're in love because you're not just thinking of yourself but of your partner's sake. Thinking over it, you observe that this time you're considering things not for yourself but also for your partner.

2. If you're willing to wait for her or him for some reason until the time comes that your love will finally bloom, then you're in love. Waiting is not a joke. But if you really decided to wait even if it takes a long time, then this is probably it.

3. If you look at her or him without lust then you're on it buddy. This is quite rare at the early part of dating. Flirting is everywhere. But if you find yourself taking care of her/him in a loving manner, then you're probably in love.

4. If you still feel the same way towards your date even if they become fat or bald or become handicap, then you're in love! The feeling is genuine. It's not easy to stay when things become so different from the first time you met but if it's really true then you can endure things together.

Saying yes to all of these means you're truly in love. But always remember that love is a never ending commitment and not just a temporary feeling. Bear in mind that even if there's a lot things that will happen in your relationship, both of you should work it out so as not to diminish the love for each other.  Love is the most complex thing in the world.  Do not play around with it lightly. Get more free dating help

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