Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why Join a Coffee of the Month Club?

Have you ever wondered why people join coffee of the month clubs?  There are many benefits and types of coffee to be explored with these clubs.  This article will give you some idea of what coffee of the month clubs are, where to look to find a club bested suited for your needs, and some of the benefits that are available when you join a coffee of the month club.


Brief History of Coffee


One of the first legends about coffee comes from around c850. It tells of a young goat herder in Ethiopia watching his goats eat red berries. Upon seeing the goats become friskier after eating these berries Kaldi of Ethiopia decides to try the berries.  He feels much frisker after eating the berries. A monk sees this and takes some of the berries to a monastery to make a brew with the berries. Other monks drank the brew and are able to stay alert for their long devotional and prayer times.  So begins the history of coffee. In 1475 the world’s first coffee shop opens in Constantinople.  In 1995 it was estimated that 400 billions cups of coffee were consumed a yearly. 


What are Coffee of the Month Clubs?


Today the coffee you can brew in your home can compare in taste to great coffee shops. Generally, coffee of the month clubs are a means of having a great tasting coffee delivered to your home through the mail each month.  Not only is coffee offered but tea and other items are offered as well.  Coffee of the month clubs will generally give something free to get you to try their great tasting coffee.  The free item is not a gimmick just to get you to join the club but a means of letting these companies demonstrate their great tasting coffee and other products that they have to offer.  Most of the coffee of the month clubs will send you coffee once a month after you have received your free gifts.  Good coffee of the month clubs will even let you cancel your membership whenever you want. 


Benefits of Joining a Coffee of the Month Club


Coffee of the month clubs provide individuals with great coffees every month without having to go to a crowded store to purchase a good coffee.  Most coffee of the month clubs will have specials for each month that add to the value of belonging to their club.  You can make coffee at home that will compare with what you receive at coffee shops any time that you want and at a great cost savings as well.  Not only do you save on gas but you also save on the cost of this prepared coffee. This is especially helpful for people who want their special coffee every day.  Think about these savings and what else you might purchase with the money you save.  Most clubs will have information that is enjoyable to read and helpful in preparing that special coffee or tea.  You can still get together with others for coffee in your home.


Finding a coffee of the month club that best suites your needs is not hard.  The internet is a great way to look for a coffee club.  Read about the benefits that they offer and try one that you feel will work.  Today coffee of the month clubs offer coffees in the caffeinated and decaffeinated flavors and blends.  They may also offer teas and other items that can be found in coffee shops.  What better way to have that special cup in the morning than in your robe curled up in a favorite chair?

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