If you long to own a designer handbag, prepare yourself to hand over some serious money. There are lots of women for whom this isn't an issue. However, many women can't afford the high cost of these designer handbags. If you can't afford one, or simply don't feel comfortable shelling out the equivalent of a month's groceries for a purse, there's a solution: a replica designer handbag.
Purchasing a knockoff designer bag will give you the look and style you want, but won't wreck your budget. You'll likely pay three or four hundred dollars for a genuine designer handbag, but a copycat knockoff should only set you back about one hundred dollars.
Carrying a replica handbag shouldn't be an embarassment, particularly if you got it for a song. There's a common misconception that knockoffs are only for those who can't afford the real thing. But that's simply not always the case. You might find that a knockoff is a perfectly acceptable accessory. Quite a few of them are made from real leather, so they're both attractive and durable.
A knockoff handbag is ideal if you don't want to spend a lot of money on a genuine designer purse. Perhaps a five hundred handbag fits in your budget, but why spend that much money if you can get a replica that most people won't even notice the difference.
Another reason to choose a replica is if you're particularly hard on your handbags. Ruining an expensive designer handbag would be a lot more painful than getting a scrape on a knockoff.
These purses are also a great choice for a teen. The replica bag is a great way to let them show off their style without spending a fortune. Young ladies in middle school or high school don't always take the best care of their handbags, so avoid wasting money on a designer accessory. All too often, their handbags are damaged, stolen or simply lost, which means you wasted hundreds of dollars if you bought them a designer bag.
Knockoff handbags can be purchased at any number of internet retailers, most of which offer a wide selection. While you're searching, you might be a little overwhelmed at the number of online retailers offering these products, and at the prices, which are often a fraction of what the genuine article would cost.
These purses make a great addition to any handbag collection. You can make them even more fashionable by adding some matching accessories.
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Knockoff Designer Handbag Could be a Good Buy
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