That's it, it's marked in your calendar and this year, there's no way you're forgetting. Cupid has swung his bow and the arrow landed right at your bottom -- you're full-blown smitten with this woman, and you want to show her just that. Now the real question is where to get great gifts for women?
So what do you get her without having to ask your mother and sister for advice? Your woman keeps hinting that she wants a new pair of shoes, and she's continually saying that she's sick of her CDs and wants new ones. Are these clear hints that these are what you should be getting your Valentine this year?
Although this is an important date that signifies love and romance, there's no need to get stressed about what to get your sweetheart. Chances are you know her well enough, and even if you don't, there are always gifts that you just can't go wrong with. If you're lucky, you may even get the chance to win her a beautiful piece of jewelry that she'll treasure forever -- just read on to find out more.
So fear not -- check out these gifts that are sure to make her happy, and you even happier.
The Usual Gift Ideas
The simplest gifts that you can get your girlfriend for Valentine's Day are flowers, chocolates and teddy bears. And these are fine because it is possible to make a somewhat generic gift more personal.
This may seem like a cop-out gift, but it doesn't have to be. Flowers can say a million words by the colored roses you choose, and the arrangements you prepare. Personally, I'd be impressed with a bouquet of a dozen red roses.
It's important to know what each colored rose represents, so you can impress her with your knowledge and high culture by telling her what they mean -- and in case you get one with the wrong message; and she does know what it means.
Here are the different meanings of rose colors, according to the Rose Information Bureau:
A woman always appreciates a box of her favorite chocolates, so if you do opt for these, get her a flavor you know she likes and would appreciate (chocolate is said to be a fine substitute for sex for some women, so you may not want to get her too many). But if they're truffles, my personal favorite, then get them by the truckload.
If you know that she has a penchant for fine wine, then get her a bottle of her favorite stuff. From Amaretto to Zinfandel, there's sure to be a drink she prefers -- and you can't go wrong with a bottle of french wine. You can even get drunk together (while you have beer).
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