Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Which Sandals To Choose For Outdoors

Wee choose sandals as a good solution for outdoors sports because they offer comfortability, protection to our feet and they are healthy. Outdoor sport activities offer an array of activities, such as golf, walking, and rafting with different requirements for your feet. It is a good idea to choose a style of sandal that is suitable for the type of outdoor activities you perform on a regular basis.


Walking was probably man's first indoor and outdoor activity. In case your feet do not need a lot of support, a fine choice would be Havaiana flip flops. It is not recommended that you wear high heel sandals if you are out for a long walk since your feet won't be in natural position and may be injured. You should pick Columbia shoes if you have to wear high heels, because this well known brand knows how to make space for your toes and is very concerned about your comfortability. Aerosoles and Naot sandals are just a couple of comfort footwear brands that offer high heel sandals that work well for walkers.

Water Sports

Fisherman sandals are a casual style for both men and women. This style isn't fishing related, so the name is a bit off. The good news is that they allow water to flow beyond the feet, which is great for water sports and for the goot health. The soles on fisherman sandals tend to be thicker than average and are very comfortable.

Sports that require a lot of action and moving are not suitable with slide sandals and flip flops because they can easily fall off your feet. Your choice for rafting should be the type of sandals that have an ankle strap, so your feet will be secured properly.


If a sandal is comfortable for long walks in nature, then it is also a good choice for hiking too. The only exception would be a big hike up the mountain. In this case you will require sandals with more ankle and foot support.

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